Susie Kelly has a new blog:
In it, she covers everything and anything that may be on her mind. From folding fitted bedsheets to her favourite dystopian fiction discoveries. The only rule is GOOD NEWS... Here's her introducton:
Have you had enough?
Enough of COVID, enough of travel restrictions, enough of racism, enough of political corruption, enough of violence, enough of extinction, enough of global warming, enough of pollution, enough of wars, enough of cruelty, enough of poverty, enough bad news? Enough of being unable to see family and friends? Enough of things that are beyond our power to change?
If so, please sit back to relax and explore and enjoy the weird, wonderful and positive world around us.

As a way of introducing Susie's bestselling travel books to new readers, a collection of her earlier blogposts about expat life in France, LA VIE EN ROSE, is permanently free on Amazon:
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