So many reasons to enjoy this book, and none not to...
This book works on so many levels. It’s not necessary to be familiar with horses although if you are you will love it even more.
It is a lovely, charming read without the need to look into it any further at all. But for me it felt like therapy in a very good, helpful way. It tells Pam’s story, which is enough in itself to sell the book to me. But running through it are stories of many of Pam's clients. They were the gems that got me thinking and examining my own life. Where could I have done better? With more knowledge or self-awareness, when should I have just forgiven myself and got on with life? And much, much more.
But enough of that please just enjoy the read - if you love horses so much the better!
Janet Daykin
The Spirit of the Horse

Something a little different for today's stop on the blog tour, as we pause on our home turf for a little reflection.
The Spirit of the Horse was a difficult book for a publisher to categorise as it fits into so many genres. Yes, it's a cracking page-turner of a memoir. Yes, you will encounter many case studies (fictionalised to protect client confidentiality) involving horses. But, looking back at early editorial meetings with the author, when her first book, The Spell of the Horse, was still taking shape, I know that she always saw her writing fitting in to the self-help genre. Books that could help readers and give them pause for reflection on their own lives, just by reading the case-studies and seeing exactly what went on in Pam's horse-led therapy sessions. By discovering how her clients reached their own release from their troubling situation, be it individuals or corporate groups, through their encounters in the field with Pam and her horses at their sides. There was no need for an affinity with horses, or to know anything about them, to enjoy and get something from this book.
This is why today we've handed the reins over (sorry) to our proofreader, Janet, who has no horsey background or knowledge at all. She sang lyrical to me so much about how much she'd got from The Spirit of the Horse as a self-help book, that I thought her feedback would be useful to share.
Thank you, Janet.
Pam's editor, Stephanie
The Spirit of the Horse is available now
£9.99 paperback, £3.99 ebook
Paperback, to order from Waterstones and all good bookshops.
Ebook and paperback, Amazon: