Reblog of a special post by Jacqui Lofthouse, author of
The Modigliani
coming later this month to Blackbird Digital Books.
It's been a long time since I've written, but I have missed you guys - and after my two year stint as a school teacher, I have now returned to
full-time writing and coaching. I am delighted to be back!
I am very happy to be coaching once again and am
already working with some wonderful writers who are achieving great things. I have also been studying playwriting at The Rose Theatre in
Kingston and am working on my first play, set in contemporary Essex. I'm also excited to announce that my novel 'The
Modigliani Girl' will be published on January 22nd, both as an ebook and a book. This is a republication of 'How To Be A Literary
Genius' - and I'll tell the whole story of this on my blog in the coming
weeks. Read on for a link to my competition to win free mentoring and appraisal of your work too.
The blog is active once again and you may enjoy the latest posts:
Novelist and memoirist Alice Jolly
speaks about her publishing experience with Unbound
My advice on how to conduct an Annual Reading Review
Sharon Zink's publishing success story - from the virtual drawer to glitzy launch
Very shortly I'll also be announcing new consultants available for Literary
Consultancy on the site. And there are still a couple of places left on theUltimate Coaching Package, an opportunity to commit to your writing fully for
the year ahead; as well as the usual two or six-session commitments.
I look forward to being in touch with you all on the blog and Facebook in the weeks ahead, and hearing about the progress of your own writing work - I
always reply to comments and would love to hear from you.
Win mentoring and appraisal of 50 pages of your writing work

you'd like to work with me, why not also consider entering my competition to win two free hour-long mentoring sessions and feedback on 50 pages of
your work-in-progress.
I'm offering this to celebrate the publication of
The Modigliani
Girl on 22nd January and on that day will post a video of me pulling the name of the winner from the hat.
All you have to do is pre-order
The Modigliani
Girl prior to 22nd January and contact me to inform me of your purchase. Fuller details of the competition are on the
Happy Writing!
Warmest wishes,